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SS Level 1
Student Coordinator
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SS Level 1
Student Coordinator
Not necessarily do you always get the kind of cooperation you expect from the world around you.
While you may not be able to control or change others, there is always a possibility of correcting your inner universe and begin ensuring internal cooperation. As in ensuring that the mind cooperates with the heart and you cooperate with your soul-level aspiration. You cooperate with the body’s need for the rest and ease…
Make sure you start cooperating with yourself and that is how you set an example to others and avail cooperation eventually.
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SS Level 1
Student Coordinator
You can only feel passionate when your head, heart, and soul-level aspirations are aligned fully.
Alternatively, attempting to awaken the passion inadvertently aligns your head, heart and soul.
The creativity and productivity inspired by your passion are magical.
Read the Redikall News Blog: Insta
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SS Level 1
Student Coordinator
Most people crave to feel fulfilled eventually. Yet there is a deep resistance to continuing to feel fulfilled because we often associate fulfillment with stagnation and slowing down in life.
However, you can reset your mindset to continue progressing in a fulfilling and contented way.
Redikall Weekly Sunday Special Newsletter:
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SS Level 1
Student Coordinator
If you truly feel worthy of great things in life, you will not wait for others to endorse your worthiness.
You will naturally attract appreciation and positive reciprocation because you deserve the best in life.
However, you have learned to do better in the past every time you felt unappreciated or unworthy. Your attachment to growth through unworthiness can come in the way of your self-worth.
Do not wait for others to make you feel worthy. Simply awaken the worthiness because you are worthy of feeling worthy.
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SS Level 1
Student Coordinator
Create space for good things in life by releasing all that you have been holding on to.
Forgive others and forgive yourself because you deserve to feel lighter and better about yourself and the world.
Read the Redikall News Blog:
Video: Recognize the Manifestor in You
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SS Level 1
Student Coordinator
You are far stronger than you can imagine!
However, if you are still focusing on your weaknesses and shortcomings, it is time to withdraw your attention from them.
Focus on your core strengths, as unnecessary thoughts about your weaknesses can enhance your sense of weakness.
Focusing on your personal powers and strengths can help you override your perceived sense of weakness.
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SS Level 1
Student Coordinator
Do not hold yourself back. Do not restrain yourself.
It is safe to be a magnet for all good things in life.
You can easily attract powerfully positive possibilities in your space by unleashing your personal charm.
You have that in you. You simply need to awaken it and magnify it.
Read the Redikall Blog:
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SS Level 1
Student Coordinator
Blog by Mamatha Honnavar
Carl Jung, the renowned psychologist once said, “Synchronicity is the meaningful coincidences" that occur without conscious connection. It's those serendipitous moments when seemingly unrelated events align perfectly.
Synchronicity is the universe's way of communicating with you. It's a subtle language often using symbols, dreams, songs, words/sentences on hoardings, birds, butterflies, animals, or your intuitive guidance.