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Writer's pictureAatmn Parmar

Concern to Care with 5 Redikall Statements

Updated: Jul 19, 2023

Many of you may wonder why we need to address "concern."

Concern is always seen as the expression of love for oneself and others.

It's simple. Concern always focuses on problems. So, we end up manifesting more problems. Being the powerful beings that we are, what we tend to think, we tend to energize and manifest.

Care, on the other hand, focuses on solutions, it is more helpful.

Assess the level of concern on a scale of 0 to 10 and recite the following statements

7-21 times silently in your mind.

Enjoy Redikall Recitation and bring about a shift from Concern to Care with awareness, in minutes.

With Soul's Love, I transform and transcend my concern.
With Soul's Love, I transform and transcend my need for concern.
With Soul's Love, I transform and transcend the reasons for my concern.
With Soul's Love, I transform and transcend the resistance to let go of my concern.
With Soul's Love, I transform and transcend the brilliance in the concern.

Re-assess the level of Concern once again. You can repeat the Statements, as and when needed.

These Statements help to address the adverse beliefs, past preprogramming, and

social and cultural conditioning related to the concern. With ease, we then move to the emotion of Care for self and all. We manifest the answers and loving guidance that we need.

To lovingly work from a space of care, you may need deeper inner work with Redikall.

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