Think your way to a better life with Chakra Insights

Do you feel you lack motivation?
We find life amazing when we have something or someone to look forward to daily. However, for some of us, finding motivation can be challenging, no matter how many incentives we receive.
Some people may have a valid reason for feeling demotivated, while others may have a natural tendency to lose motivation.
How do you synchronize with motivation?
Regardless of the cause of demotivation, it is possible to rekindle motivation from within by aligning and synchronizing with motivating thoughts, frequency, and the people around you. It all comes down to resetting your mindset.
Have you considered using Redikall Statements to motivate yourself?
Chat with us to know more:
How about motivating yourself with the Redikall Statements?
Recite the following Redikall Statements 3-7 times and feel the difference.
I transform and transcend my demotivation. I transform and transcend my boredom. I transform and transcend my setbacks. I transform and transcend my addiction to personal comforts. I transform and transcend my fear of being judged and criticized. I transform and transcend lost motivation. I transform and transcend dependency on others for motivation. I transform and transcend my wait for the right moment. I transform and transcend my wait for the right resources. | I transform and transcend my wait for the right support system. I awaken inner inspiration. I awaken the courage to face reality. I awaken the zest for life. I awaken the purpose of my life. I awaken my inner enthusiasm. I synchronize with the exuberance of life. I synchronize with positivity and optimism. I synchronize with constant motivation to move on and move forward. |
Did the statements make a difference?
Your success can inspire and motivate others.
Witness the transformative power of success in this video, and let it be a source of inspiration for everyone around you. Your achievements have the potential to ignite motivation and drive in others.
Watch the video on the Aatmn Parmar YouTube channel.
Upcoming Redikall Events
Click the arrow to know more.
Freedom From The Past. Dec 17th
Sun, Dec 17 Zoom
Freedom from the Past
Join this Powerful life-transforming online course to help you heal your numerous inner children, for you to get freedom from your past.
An intense course to help you live in the 'NOW'... to attain Freedom from Past Shame, Guilt, Hurt, Incompletions, Karmas & adverse Beliefs, and Conditioning.
Dec 17, 2023, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
It is possible to live in the now if you let go of past unpleasantness.
It is not what happened in the past, but the emotions attached that can slow you down and make life a big burden to deal with.
While you cannot change what happened in the past, you can certainly change the way you look at the past and the way you redesign your future life.
Once you heal your adverse emotions related to your past, you can easily understand the relevance and importance of every incident and every character who played their role, with neutral detachment and greater insights.
If you do not wish to repeat your past, the best idea would be to complete the incompletion, get detached, be emotionally neutral, and overcome the beliefs generated by the past perception.
Karma Clearance - 14-Day online course - Dec 11th
Upcoming Spiritual Solution Curriculum
Click the arrow to know more.
Year-End Discount offer on Spiritual Solution Level 1 Part 1, starting from 4th Jan 2024
Redikall Spiritual Solution - Level 1 - Part 2 (Advanced Chakra Revival) 15th Dec
Redikall Spiritual Solution Level 2 ERI + Manifestation - 9th Jan 2024
Free Events
Self-Motivate through Self-Healing with Redikall Multi-Chakra Guidance and Affirmations

Self-Healing with Redikall Multi-Chakra Guidance and Affirmations
Time : 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm IST with Renu Sharma
How can you wake up motivated and transform your emotions in easy steps?

Are you feeling stressed? Anxious? Worried? Stuck? Whatever your negative emotional charge, you can instantly transform your state of mind in minutes. It's time! Are you ready for self-motivation? Are you ready to synchronize with motivation?
*Rapid 30 Minute Instant Transformation Challenge Course* Try it to believe it! Click on the link below and immediately begin to
Awaken the power of your mind with FREEDOM FROM THE PAST
Watch this video on Redikall Insights YouTube Channel
Awakening Prosperity Consciousness with Multi-Chakra Recitation
Ms. Uma Sangal
Time: 7:30 am to 8:00 am IST
Morning, Daily, Except Sat & Sun and Public Holidays.
Special Learning Session
Group Recitation in English
You can self-heal regularly with Redikall Tools and Channeled Statements - related to health, relationships, and finance under the guidance of a Senior Redikall Mentor appointed by the Redikall Organization.
Zoom Meet for Premium Members:
Guidance for Self-healing and personal growth.
6:00 am to 7:30 am IST
10:30 am to 12:00 Noon
7:30 pm to 9:00 pm IST
Please note: Zoom Links for the live sessions will be available to Registered members in the Redikall App or Respective WhatsApp groups.