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Writer's pictureAatmn Parmar

How to let your enthusiasm transform all you do?

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

Think your way to a better life with Chakra Insights


Be Enthusiastic - your redikall statements for today
My Redikall Affirmations

Is contributing hesitatingly helping you?

Feeling hesitant and resistant to act, perform, or contribute can cause exhaustion and fatigue. Instead of hesitating, try replacing it with enthusiasm. By doing so, you can experience less tiredness, less pain, and more joy while carrying out the same tasks. This applies to all aspects of life, including your career, relationships, domestic chores, and even mundane activities.

It's not about what you do but how you do it. Performing any task enthusiastically will lead to better outcomes, and you will be appreciated and rewarded more. You have the choice of surrendering to your resistance or awakening your enthusiasm. It's all about resetting your mindset.

How can you transform hesitance?

You can reset your mindset by being selective about what part of your past you want to carry forward. You can address your karmic baggage, past baggage, emotional hurt, and unhealthy belief systems. Life is meant to be easy, effortless, and enjoyable if you choose to travel light. There is a way to work with ease.

Are you ready to synchronize with enthusiasm?

Consider attending a free Masterclass on Sunday to learn more. Check the details in the Events section of the website: You will be surprised at how simple it is to let your past baggage go and be at ease with life!

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Here are some powerful Redikall Statements to help you be more enthusiastic.

Recite 3-7 times

I transform and transcend my resistance.

I transform and transcend my reluctance.

I transform and transcend my desire to withdraw.

I transform and transcend my feeling of being pressured and pushed.

I transform and transcend my procrastination.

I awaken my enthusiasm.

I awaken my excitement.

I awaken joy.

I awaken love for what I do.

I awaken the joyous me.

Did the statements make a difference?

  • Yes

  • No

Lies & Truth In life's dialectic dance, truth provides unwavering clarity, while lies masquerade, casting ephemeral shadows on the stage of existence. The podcast is available in the Aatmn Parmar YouTube Channel


Upcoming Redikall Events!

Click the arrow to know more.

Freedom From The Past .Dec 3rd

A Prelude to our Powerful life transforming online course, ‘Freedom from the Past’, where you will learn how to safely overcome traumatic and shattering effects of the past unpleasantness independently, to attain freedom from your past unpleasantness. An intense course to help you live in the now!

To know more, please click on the link below:

Date: 3rd December 2023, Sunday

Time: 6pm to 7pm

Venue: Zoom Online

Redikall Soul Metaplay in Dubai , Dec 10th

Karma Clearance - 14- Day online course- 2nd Jan


Upcoming Spiritual Solution Curriculum

Click the arrow to know more.

Diwali Offer Redikall Spiritual Solution- Level 1 - Part 1, next batch starts 4th Jan 2024

Redikall Spiritual Solution - Level 1 - Part 2 (Advanced Chakra Revival) 15th Dec

Redikall Spiritual Solution Level 2 ERI + Manifestation - 9th Jan 2024


Bring in enthusiasm and Zing for Life through Redikall

Zing for life!

Embrace each day with zest, let enthusiasm be your guide, and let the rhythm of life make every moment a 'Zing for life' ride!

The Reel is on the Aatmn Parmar YouTube Channel


Free Events

Bring out the Aha! Moments in your life!

Participants with lots of enthusiasm share their Aha! Moments in 2023. Incredible tips from Arati Gupta on how we can keep multiplying our Aha moments!! and subtracting our not-so-nice moments. The Desire Jar is a welcome idea,

Watch the video on the Redikall Insights YouTube Channel and find out more!

Transform your emotions with Enthusiasm and Care


Are you feeling stressed? Anxious? Worried? Stuck? Whatever your negative emotional charge, you can instantly transform your state of mind in minutes. Be enthusiastic in life and bring the smile back!

*Rapid 30 Minute Instant Transformation Challenge Course* Try it to believe it! Click on the link below and immediately begin to

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