Think your way to a better life with Chakra Insights

Are your dreams, and ideas still waiting for the right moment?
A sense of timing and doing things the right way is important.
However, sometimes we delay taking action toward our dreams and ideas, subconsciously avoiding what needs to be done.
How to act at the right time?
Without a synchronized action plan, our dreams are meaningless.
It's important to prepare ourselves to act and create possibilities that can be immensely valuable for ourselves and others.
Believe in your ability to do wonders and start taking action with a positive mindset.
How to synchronize with the right action?
Chat with us to know more:
Get ready to synchronize!
Here are a few Redikall Statements to help you synchronize with the right action.
Recite them 3-7 times and feel the difference.
I transform and transcend my inability to plan my actions. I transform and transcend my inability to act as per my plan. I transform and transcend my fears, doubts, and inhibitions. I transform and transcend my need for more confidence. I transform and transcend my adverse beliefs and blocks. I transform and transcend my past inhibitory influences. I transform and transcend my fear of failures and losses. | I transform and transcend my fear of being judged and criticized. I transform and transcend my fear of being rejected. I awaken an appropriate action plan. I awaken spontaneity. I awaken effortless performance. I synchronize with the right performance. I synchronize with synchronized action. |
Did the statements make a difference?
It's Time! Are you ready to nurture yourself?
Seize the opportune moment to manifest your dreams and ideas with the right mindset, fostering possibilities. No more endless waiting.
Prioritize self-nurturing for overall well-being and personal growth. Find out more.
The podcast is available on the Aatmn Parmar YouTube channel.
Upcoming Redikall Events
Click the arrow to know more.
Redikall Soul Metaplay in Dubai , Dec 10th

A Soul Metaplay is a profound method of addressing ancestral influences, family curses, unknown energetic influences, an imbalance in your masculine and feminine principles, financial difficulties, relationships, and professional challenges.
Enroll now by clicking on the link below to experience it for yourself:
Date: 10th December 2023
Venue: Authenticity, Dubai, Sheikh Zayed Road.
Time: 10 am to 4:00 pm
:(Limited Seats Only)
Freedom From The Past. Dec 17th
Karma Clearance - 14-Day online course - 2nd Jan
Upcoming Spiritual Solution Curriculum
Click the arrow to know more.
Year End Discount offer on Spiritual Solution Level 1 Part 1, starting from 4th Jan 2024
Redikall Spiritual Solution - Level 1 - Part 2 (Advanced Chakra Revival) 15th Dec
Redikall Spiritual Solution Level 2 ERI + Manifestation - 9th Jan 2024
Free Events
Learn to synchronize with the right action at the right time with
Multi-Chakra Guidance and Affirmations
Time: 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm IST with Renu Sharma
Synchronize with the right action by transforming your emotions in easy steps!

Are you feeling stressed? Anxious? Worried? Stuck? Whatever your negative emotional charge, you can instantly transform your state of mind in minutes. It's time! Are you ready to synchronize?
*Rapid 30 Minute Instant Transformation Challenge Course* Try it to believe it! Click on the link below and immediately begin to
Fulsome Fridays: These are a few of my favorite things!
Discover life's joys! Uncover cherished moments!
Share your favorite things, why you have them, and unravel their significance. Why do they hold a special place in your heart? How do these favorite things make you feel? Do they define your Life? Are they just mundane possessions or something more? Are they a source of comfort, motivation, and pure delight?
Let's find out with Redikall.
Join Arati Gupta for an exciting and promising session to help you understand the rich tapestry of feelings and experiences that make your life unique and meaningful.
Join Zoom Meeting at 8:00 pm IST.
Awakening Prosperity Consciousness with Multi-Chakra Recitation
Ms. Uma Sangal
Time: 7:30 am to 8:00 am IST
Morning, Daily, Except Sat & Sun and Public Holidays.
Special Learning Session
Group Recitation in English
You can self-heal regularly with Redikall Tools and Channeled Statements - related to health, relationships, and finance under the guidance of a Senior Redikall Mentor appointed by the Redikall Organization.
Zoom Meet for Premium Members: Guidance for Self-healing and personal growth. 6:00 am to 7:30 am IST
10:30 am to 12:00 Noon
7:30 pm to 9:00 pm IST
Please note: Zoom Links for the live sessions will be available to Registered members in the Redikall App or Respective WhatsApp groups.