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The Magic of Gratitude

Writer: Aatmn ParmarAatmn Parmar

Reset Your Mindset to express gratitude

with Redikall Multi-Chakra Insights, techniques and philosophy.

Best for you:

Expressing Gratitude with Redikall
Thank You For Everything

26th December, Tuesday 2023

The Attitude of Gratitude: Embracing Thankfulness in Everyday Life.

Learn synchronicity with gratitude using Redikall Statements
My Redikall Affirmations

It’s easy to get caught up in the fast-paced nature of today's world, always striving for more. More success, possessions, and experiences. However, it's easy to overlook the power of a simple practice: Gratitude. By cultivating a mindset of thankfulness, we can improve our lives, including our well-being, relationships, and perspective on the world.

Cultivate Gratitude in Daily Life

Keeping a Gratitude Journal

One effective way to cultivate gratitude is by keeping a Gratitude Journal. Each day, write down three things you are thankful for. They can be as simple as a delicious cup of coffee or as significant as the support of a loved one. This practice trains the mind to seek out and recognize the positive aspects of each day. While writing your journal, you can have a random expression of gratitude or remain specific in your expression of gratitude. You can take the 21-day gratitude challenge.

Expressing Thanks Regularly

Make it a habit to express thanks to those around you. Whether it's a colleague who helped you with a project or a family member who listened to your concerns, acknowledging their support fosters a culture of appreciation and kindness. Do not forget to be grateful towards 'self', your body, your mind, and your soul.

Overcome your concerns 

Being dissatisfied often gives a temporary advantage in your personal and professional life. Instead of expressing gratitude, if you find faults, flaws, and inconsistencies, people may attempt to please you initially and give you the temporary joy of having power over them. However, eventually, they will give up and prove they are not up to your expectations, leaving you more frustrated and helpless.

The Benefits of Gratitude

Enhanced Well-being

Numerous studies have shown that gratitude can significantly improve our mental health. It reduces stress, fosters resilience, and promotes a more optimistic outlook. When we focus on the positive aspects of our lives, we naturally diminish the space for negativity and dissatisfaction.

Improved Relationships

Gratitude isn't just a personal practice; it's relational. Expressing gratitude to others strengthens our connections. It can turn a casual acquaintance into a cherished friend, deepen bonds with family members, and create a more positive work environment. We not only uplift ourselves but also those around us by showing appreciation.

Greater Life Satisfaction

When we adopt an attitude of gratitude, our perspective on life shifts. We start to find joy in the ordinary, appreciate the present moment, and worry less about what we lack. As we focus more on the abundance we already have, we shift toward greater overall satisfaction with life.

Prosperity Consciousness

When you start being grateful, you naturally focus on what you have and withdraw your attention from what you lack. You energize/ attract what you focus on. So gradually you start feeling prosperous and attract prosperity.

Be humble

Being grateful to people often challenges your ego and invites humility to accept that people you ridiculed in the past had something to offer you. You might fear feeling obligated, and express your gratitude. You might fear feeling small compared to people you are grateful to. However, these concerns could be your erroneous perception and not the truth. Overcome your perceptions, beliefs, and judgments with Redikall and be grateful to them.

Reflect on Challenges

Gratitude isn't just about appreciating the good times; it's also about finding value in the challenges. Reflect on difficult situations and consider what they taught you or how they strengthened you. This approach can transform obstacles into opportunities for growth.

Mindfulness, Redikall, and Gratitude

Redikall helps you calm down, be still, see yourself and others with greater objectivity. It eases your toxic emotions and gives deep insights as well as clarity. You naturally focus on the beauty of life rather than continue growing with lack, adversities, and difficulties. Being grateful is a natural outcome of regular practice of Redikall techniques and principles.

Adopting an attitude of gratitude is a journey, not a destination. It's about consistently choosing to focus on the positive, even amidst life's inevitable ups and downs. By doing so, we not only enrich our own lives but also bring more joy and appreciation into the world around us. Let's begin each day with a grateful heart and witness the transformation it brings.

How accomplished do you feel on a scale of 0 to 10?

  • How joyous do you feel on a scale of 0 to 10?

Here are more Redikall Statements that can help you synchronize with gratitude.

Recite these statements 3-7 times to experience the magic of gratitude.

I transform and transcend my need to perceive 'lack'.

I transform and transcend my need to focus on what I do not have.

I transform and transcend dissatisfaction and discontentment.

I transform and transcend my fear of appreciating.

I transform and transcend my ego trip preventing an attitude of gratitude.

I transform and transcend my past ungratefulness.

I transform and transcend my life with an attitude of gratitude.

I awaken eternal gratitude.

I awaken my thankfulness.

I synchronize with the attitude of gratitude.

I synchronize with contentment.

I synchronize with fulfillment.

How to cultivate a gratitude mindset ?

In this video, explore how cultivating a gratitude mindset can unlock a world of abundance and joy in your life. Experience the magic of gratitude with Redikall.

The video is available on the Aatmn Parmar YouTube Channel.

Wellness with Multi-Chakra Awareness Show

Get Multi-Chakra Guidance today!

Topic: How to enhance your full potential

The video is available on the Aatmn Parmar YouTube channel.

Days: Mon-Fri ( Daily)

Time:11:00 am IST

Meeting ID: 832 5713 9890

Passcode: 432547

Recommended Redikall Events

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Soul Metaplay

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Onsite Residential Workshop by Aatmn Parmar

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 14-day Online course

Tue, Jan 02

Karma Clearance - 14-day Online course

If you have not been able to solve your problems in conventional ways, try Spiritual Solution Online Training and Support. Solve problems with higher consciousness.

Events to Date:

Name of the events





Talk on Prosperity Consciousness

Ms. Uma Sangal

7.30 am IST

Premium Members only (Link shared in the Redikall App)


Special Learning Session

Ms. Uma Sangal

8.00 am IST

Premium Members Only (Link shared in the Redikall App)


Wellness with Awareness show

Ms. Aatmn Parmar

11.00 am IST


Multi-Chakra Guidance and Affirmations

Ms. Renu Sharma

6.00 pm IST

Open to all Zoom Link


Redikall Recitation in English

Ms. Shital Gusani

 10:00 pm IST

Premium Members Only (Link shared in the Redikall App)


Do not overspend this Christmas ! The video is available on the Aatmn Parmar YouTube Channel.

Redikall Soul Metaplay in Bengaluru

Onsite Residential Workshop by Aatmn Parmar.

Redikall through role play stimulates life drama to heal
Redikall Soul Metaplay in Bengaluru

Redikall Soul Metaplay® is a group healing method, where we simulate real-life drama through a diverse group of participants to observe and heal the games we are playing or inviting in our personal life. The healing happens through group recitation of Redikall Statements and Chakra knowledge of Redikall Healing.

Every drama generates interesting insights into your personal and professional life and raises your level of consciousness to make a positive difference in your life with higher wisdom.

This is a profound method of addressing ancestral influences, family curses, unknown energetic influences, an imbalance in your masculine and feminine principles, financial difficulties, relationships and professional challenges. It is purely experiential and creates a wonderful learning opportunity for each individual. Restore the Harmony Within by embracing wholeness and completion.

Date : 13th January 2024

Place : Bengaluru

Year End Discount offer on Spiritual Solution Level 1 Part 1, starting on

4th January 2024.

Curriculum for beginners with Redikall Insights and Multi - Chakra Knowledge
Redikall Spiritual Solution Level 1 Part 1

Enroll now for just Rs. 2,000/- + GST – a remarkable discount on the original course fee of Rs. 6,000/-.

Secure your spot at this exclusive rate and make the most of this limited-time opportunity!

The flagship course of the Spiritual Solution series introduces you to powerful knowledge and techniques to bridge your Conscious Mind with Super Conscious Mind.

Eligibility: Basic Knowledge of English and age 18+. Preparation to learn and interact on online platforms.


1st Step to the Redikall Curriculum

Watch the video for a glimpse into "What is Redikall?" 

The next batch will start on 4th January 2023. 

Support Availability

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Chat Support

6 am IST to 9 PM IST

All (First 30 mins. free)

Phone Support

11 am to 6 pm



Zoom Room Video chat Support

6:00 am to 7:30 am IST

10:30 am to 12:00 Noon

7:30 pm to 9:00 pm IST

Premium Members and select students

Link shared in the Redikall App.

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